Aquí si sale Inma! jaja -Están abajo.
Pues yo fui de las que decidió ir a trabajar, no porque esté de acuerdo con lo q se propone, las medidas no me parecen justas. Lo que no estoy de acuerdo es con hacerla ahora, cuando se redujeron horas a la gente de abajo, cuando se echaron a miles de personas de trabajos normales, dónde estaban los sindicatos, dónde estaban los huelguistas a quien apoyaban entonces?
Resulta que como ahora tocan a los sindicatos, como ahora tocan a niveles un poco más altos, ahora sí?! pues no! Es que me niego a hacer algo q no va a servir.
Llegué al trabajo y no me vino nadie a primera hora, pero antes de las 9.40 la jefa nos dijo que no se trabajaba, que se cerraba la instalación. Es decir que me vi obligada a hacer huelga, ya que posteriormente si vinieron usuarios mios.
Y si cierran desde arriba q menos q mandarme a mi casa y cobrar ya q no habia sido idea mia no? Se ve aquí como son las cosas...
Total que hable con Inma y OMG! vino a darme unos regalitos un reloj casio?? rojo -me encanta- y una hadita -ya está en mi repisa-.
Cuando me dijo de ir a comer a casa del tito Ronald, como le iba a decir q no? Avisamos a Rocio y tras un buen rato comimos como no con charlas super interesantes.
En la tarde fui a hacerle compañia a las niñas y estaban allí las cabronas entre risas... con tarta y todo... Así que me quedé. Feli, Rocio y yo fuimos al cuarto de calderas pa ver la zona esa de la q tanto se habla del pasadizo. Feli no pasó y Rocio y yo nos hicimos un video graciosiisimo viendo aquello como en "La Bruja de Blair" Cuando vimos la cagada que era nos echamos a reir.

Alicia Keys-Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart
Even if you were a million miles away
I could still feel you in my bed
Near me, touch me, feel me
And even in the bottom of the sea
I can still hear inside my head
Telling me, touch me, feel me
And all the time you were telling me lies
So tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times that we had
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart
Well you can try sleeping in my bed
Lonely, only, nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown, you make my body feel heaven-bound
Why don't you hold me, need me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me
Looking in the sky I can see your face
And i knew right where I'd fit in
Take me, make me
You know that I'll always be in love with you
Right til the end
So tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times that we had
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Anybody could have told you right from the start
It's bout fall apart
So rather than hold onto a broken dream
Or just hold onto love
And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight
So tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times that we had
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
*Ya leíste? Pues deja algún comentario, saludo o incluso critica.
Even if you were a million miles away
I could still feel you in my bed
Near me, touch me, feel me
And even in the bottom of the sea
I can still hear inside my head
Telling me, touch me, feel me
And all the time you were telling me lies
So tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times that we had
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart
Well you can try sleeping in my bed
Lonely, only, nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown, you make my body feel heaven-bound
Why don't you hold me, need me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me
Looking in the sky I can see your face
And i knew right where I'd fit in
Take me, make me
You know that I'll always be in love with you
Right til the end
So tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times that we had
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Anybody could have told you right from the start
It's bout fall apart
So rather than hold onto a broken dream
Or just hold onto love
And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight
So tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times that we had
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
*Ya leíste? Pues deja algún comentario, saludo o incluso critica.