Terminé en nada, y las que fallé era las q estaba en duda con otraopción (q eran las correctas) mi tía tb sacó sobre, aunque copiandose de mí! jajaja
Luego en la tarde paseo en bici por la city, me saqué mi hermoso carnet del Sevilla. (Una pasta que merece ser gastada) compras y visita a los abuelos.
Allí le dimos el regalo a Carlos y después camino a casa.
Un paseo andando con una temperatura bien rica. Y pa terminar adobo! Pillamos un poco en la freiduría y ya estaba la cena.
Anna Abreu Music Everywhere
I woke up this morning
To the intro of this song
My iPod on the night stand
Shuffling pop and rock
I had a hit for breakfast
And flipped the TV on
The videos were hideous
But they kick started the day
The day the day the day
I´m ready for the the day the day
Inside my head there´s a radio station
I´m overcome with a sense of elation
Inside my head there´s a radio station
Salvation on heavy rotation
Pop pop and I don´t care
As long as I´m on the air
And music is everywhere
I fired up the engine
Heading for the highway
The stereo was way too loud
But that´s what it´s all about
I could have taken yoga
But I need more stamina
The beats of the body pump
Make me wanna play
The game the game the game
I´m ready for the the game the game the game
Pop pop and I don´t care
As long as I´m on the air
And music is everywhere
I´m pop and I´m corny I´m on the air
I´m flat and I´m sharp and I´m everywhere
I´m in C I´m in D I´m in every key
I´m singing for you even when you´re asleep
Pop pop and I don´t care
As long as I´m on the air
And music is everywhere
(medication for my frustration)
The suits want to change me but I won´t budge
My style is out there for the scribes to judge
They say I´m shallow I don´t bear a grudge
I am who I am and that´s more than enough
*Ya leíste? Pues deja algún comentario, saludo o incluso critica.