El Domingo me desperté me duché y me fui al Baloncesto, me invitaron mi tía Mónica y mi tio Migue, además estaba mi medio tio (el hermano de mi tio). Me reí mucho con los comentarios de mi tio cada vez que decía "pero que haces!" marcabamos jajaja. No vi al Caja más malo pero tampoco al bueno, al final ganó el Caja.
Luego me fui con Manu, Kike y Jd a tomar una cervecita fresquita y bien rica. Nos fuimos a comer a la casa del tito Ronald. Más tarde fuimos a recoger a Victor y camino a la Alameda pa merendar. Cnd terminamos dimos un pequeño paseo por el centro pero al irse el sol hacía mucho frio así que nos volvimos a casa.
Siempre quise lanzar una bomba de humo y desaparecer con una risa malevola.
El siempre guapo y polemico Peter Andre.
Behind Closed doors
you think youve got me figured out
you think you know what im about
dont believe what you read
half of the things you see
thought youd figured this out by now
and who would have known
that our life could be so exposed
where we will end up
nobody knows
what do we know
what what do we know
behind closed doors(behind closed doors)
you cant imagine
behind closed doors
is where it happens
behind closed doors
thats where the truth is
thats where the life is
thats where the life is
behind closed doors(behind closed doors)
behind closed doors(behind closed doors)
behind closed doors
theres a man who lives in the street
trying to find his way
then i figured hed found the best way to escape
his addiction cost him everything
guess he thougt it helped him hide the pain
and who would have known
has a wife,two kids and a few stories home
got all these things yet hes still alone
what do we knowww!
what do we know
behind closed doors(behind closed doors)
behind closed doors
behind closed doors
thats were the truth is
thats were the life is
and you try and you try but no one hears you cry
deep inside all you hope is the truth
but no mind to the lies
keep you rising for prising
and then all you have is you
behind closed doors
behind closed doors
you cant imagine
who would have known
you cant imagine
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